Apr 26, 2012

I am a Child - Dieter Schaaf

After really just discovering this song and artist, I have to say i'm really, really impressed. I'm still figuring out first impressions, but the vibe instantly got me here. Needless to say i'll be downloading his full mixtape. (I Am a Child - Click to Download). The song itself has a really cool beat to it and a really laidback sound. Enjoy.

Download: I am a Child - Dieter Schaaf

UPDATE: It's now about a few hours later, and really that quickly I know this guy is just simply amazing. Beyond amazing. Below is the full album, and I promise it's INCREDIBLE. I've been listening to it over and over and it's got this absoloutely amazing feel to it. A kind of relaxing and refreshing vibe. I'm really excited about this guy releasing more music soon. Download for the entire album is linked above.

Facebook - Dieter Schaaf

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