Jul 25, 2012

I am a Child (Video) - Dieter Schaaf

I'll start this off with a bit of honesty, never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that the artists i'd be posting about would notice my blog or anything of the sorts. Nonetheless, Dieter found time to write back to me about my previous post (Here) and I have every intention of doing anything I can to promote this guy. I believe I had some very positive comments upon the release of the album and it's really only gotten better. A couple of months on I have to say I'm just as entranced as I was the very first day, and I've found myself constantly listening to it and I'm dead excited for anything to come. I have to admit, I wont call myself an actual expert of anything music related but I know for sure this guy is going to go on to special things, it literally doesn't compute that this guy doesn't have WAY more fans, but i'm sure he'll keep on growing, and even if this only reaches a couple thousand people, I know many of you out there will be just as impressed as I am. Look forward to more from this guy on here!

The video itself is exactly what I expected and more, there's that feeling of pure honesty and realism in what he does, something I hope he never loses. With it he's going to touch a lot of people's lives.

Follow this guy! Let's get a movement going!

Facebook: Dieter Schaaf
Twitter: Dieter Schaaf
Download: I am a Child - Dieter Schaaf

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