Aug 3, 2012

Ill Mind of Hopsin 5 - Hopsin

This song has created an unbelievable stir in the past week or so. People have been showing me this song left  and right, and to be honest, i've been very surprised at the range of different music listeners enjoying this song. Hopsin is quite the controversial one, and this song is definitely no different. In the past year or so i've been following since his song "Sag My Pants" (shown below) which I absolutely loved, (and interestingly reached almost 15 MILLION views on youtube. What's so great about him though is that it sounds a lot like he hasn't been getting the credit he deserves, and everyone loves an underdog. There's no doubt this guy is immensely talented and this version of Ill Mind of Hopsin is incredibly smooth but has this awesome bite to it as he literally slags off other people face to face in the video.  On top of that, he's actually got some good points, albeit amidst the cursing and aggressive gestures.



        - Ill Mind of Hopsin 5 - Hospin
        - Hopsin

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