Oct 9, 2012

The Heist (Album) - Macklemore & Ryan Lewis


I'm posting this to mark the release of this album tomorrow. I pre-ordered my Deluxe Edition of this album but had to listen before. I've been at it all night and wow. I don't even have words for this. Macklemore and Ryan Lewis are just way ahead of the rest. There is no artist out there today in this genre that can match them. I'll admit I dont always buy my music, but this, this you have to buy. You cannot miss this album.

There is no other group that can create such beautiful, meaningful music. No other. His confessions of weakness and personal struggle faced with the onlooking of thousands of fans just sent chills down my spine.


Below are just two songs i've picked out from first impressions, if these don't convince you, I don't know what will.

Just... wow:

An incredible tale about his rise to fame:

 - Macklemore
 - The Heist (Album)

Oct 2, 2012

Same Love (Video) - Macklemore & Ryan Lewis

Here's the music video to what really is one of the best songs of 2012 and from one of the most talented duos out there. Ryan Lewis and his incredible production with Macklemore's heartfelt confessions, nothing I can think of that can beat this.

One week until The Heist! (first full length Album!!!) Never been so excited for an album in my life. I pre-ordered the deluxe edition as you should too!


Buy the song here! - http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/same-love-feat.-mary-lambert/id543948282

Sep 24, 2012

Ellie Goulding - High For This (The Weeknd Cover)

So, it's been a bit busy lately and I haven't gotten round to posting in a while. I decided I would return with a song from early 2012. It's the kind of song that comes up on shuffle and just makes me happy inside. It's the kind of song you don't want to forget, and even for those who know the song well, it might bring a smile to your face in hearing it again. The song is a very good cover from The Weeknd's song High For This (a classic I tell you!). With an already majestic feel to this song, the combination of high, eerie vocals just makes this song a truly stunning piece of art.

 - Ellie Goulding - High For This (The Weeknd Cover)
 - Ellie Goulding

Sep 11, 2012

Hidden Strings - Chill Bump (EP)

I downloaded this EP back in early July and it got a bit lost among the many downloads and uploads and I have to say i'm very glad I stumbled on it again. (Shuffle feature <3)

In terms of 'conscious rap' as an actual genre, i'd like to say i'm a huge fan. Nothing pleases me more than hearing someone with the power to speak to people and then use it to actually say something. Unfortunately, this means you're going to sell less. That's just a fact. Even when I upload posts like this, I often notice a sharp decrease in views and then way up again on the next Wiz Khalifa remix. Not saying I don't enjoy both forms of music, but I make it my mission to uploads like this, even if it only gets a few more fans for Artists like this.

This EP is seriously impressive, lyrically unique and touches on a wide range of topics. Give it a few minutes, you'll be impressed.

Samples -

Song 1:

Song 2:

 - Chill Bump (Website) - Tracks all on there
 - Chill Bump

Sep 9, 2012

American Terrorist Pt 2 (Superheroes) - Lupe Fiasco

Amidst the chaos of Lupe announcing his supposed retirement after Food & Liquor 2: Great American Rap Album Pt. 2 (Pt 1 coming out soon) he drops this last single to the first part. While I think it would be an absolute shame for Lupe to bow out, a friend of mine reminded me; 'you either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villian.' (Not literally meant). I sincerely hope Lupe keeps at what he's just so god damn good at, but whatever he chooses, he's always going to be a legend.

The song itself is a very interest mix between dubstep and rap. Enjoy

  - Lupe Fiasco

Sep 6, 2012

Hell & Back - Kid Ink

Hell & Back is a song off Kid Ink's debut album. It was released a while back but I have to admit it passed under my radar and I recently had a friend tell me about the song. I still have yet to listen to the rest of the album but if it's anything like this song i'm sure it'l be great. Kid Ink has been steadily rising and impressing. Where to next?

Official Video:

 - Up & Away- Kid Ink (Album) (Individual Song can be Purchased)
 - Kid Ink

Sep 4, 2012

First Day of My Life (Bright Eyes Cover) - Mac Miller

Although this song is just a cover, i'm very, very impressed with it. Like many covers that come as a surprise, this cover has received quite a lot of hate on youtube from people unable to accept cross genre covering. In my opinion he's done a great job though. Who knew Mac could actually sing? He's been getting a bit lazy on his rapping lately and this is without a doubt a very pleasant surprise. I'm all for this. Dope.

 - Mac Miller 

Sep 2, 2012

Independence - Damian Marley, Tarrus Riley, Wayne Marshall, TOK

A friend of mine showed this song to me, and it's awesome. A great line up and a really positive vibe. It's kind of hard to actively dislike music like this.


 -Independence - Damian Marley, Tarrus Riley, Wayne Marshall, TOK
 - Damien Marley

Sep 1, 2012

Levels (Avicii) - Illy and M-Phazes

This song is one off an installment called Friday Flips by the talent duo consisting of Illy and M-Phazes. Now, although you might see Avicii, it's actually rap. What they've done is a very creative sampling of the well known Avicii song Levels and rapped over it. Pure raw talent. Great Song.

 -Levels (Avicii) - Illy and M-Phazes
  - M-Phazes

Like what you hear? (Click below to here more)

Wonderwall (Oasis) - Illy & M-Phaze

Aug 30, 2012

Battle Scars (Featuring Lupe Fiasco) - Guy Sebastian

Now, Lupe Fiasco is indeed featured on here A LOT, but he's just so damn talented. This track dropped a while ago and has literally been stuck in my mind since. This guy (Guy Sebastian.. haha get it? oh dear.) has a seriously impressive voice and has really created a masterpiece here. Now, on top of fantastic vocals (hook and chorus) a couple Lupe verses?! Yes please... This really is a must hear.

- Lupe Fiasco
 - Guy Sebastian
- Click to buy the single!

Aug 28, 2012

Thrift Shop - Macklemore

Fastest upload so far? Yes. This track literally was released minutes ago and isn't even on iTunes yet but i've been waiting for so long I had to jump at the second it released. Macklemore is amazing. He's definitely my favourite artist in this genre and a complete obsession. I can only link the soundcloud as of now as it isn't on youtube either.

Update: Video... and it's awesome...

Soundcloud: Macklemore X Ryan Lewis - Thrift Shop feat. Wanz

 - Macklemore

Aug 27, 2012

Work Hard, Play Hard (Remix feat. Lil Wayne and Young Jeezy) - Wiz Khalifa

This track was a massive hit and has been everywhere since its release. Here's a remix with Lil Wayne
and Young Jeezy. Not everyone is necessarily a Lil Wayne or Jeezy fan but this is definitely a siiick remix. Lil Wayne even drops a skateboarding line haha, i'm not too sure about all of that, but atleast he can still drop some pretty good verses.

 - Work Hard, Play Hard (Remix) - Wiz Khalifa
 - Wiz Khalifa

OK, COOL (Pre-Album) - Sammy Adams

Although i'm a big Sammy Adams fan, to be honest I saw this "pre-album" and thought it wouldn't be much. I couldn't have been more wrong however, there are several really, really good tracks on here that are of serious quality for just a pre-album. Below i've selected 3 highlight tracks i've been seriously impressed with. If this doesn't get you absolutely psyched for an album what will....

Track 1: If only it was a bit longer...? (Haha, get it? No seriously, only a minute long...) (But this is of course the new single for the album, in full length)

Track 2: Bei Maejor, what a rapper AND producer.

Track 3: This track is serious album quality. Sick beat, amazing verses and of course a great chorus.

 - All Night Longer (Pre-Albim) - Sammy Adams
 - Sammy Adams
         Twitter                                - Sammy Adams

Aug 21, 2012

My Chain - Logic

I'm a bit late on this one but it's well worth the wait. I've been listening to this song for like a week now and it was always going up on this site. Logic is steadily becoming someone i'm no longer just surprised with, I expect him to come out with this kind of quality every time he drops a track, and he delivers. If he continues like this, Logic is going to be absolutely massive. And still unsigned!

 -My Chain - Logic
- Logic

Aug 18, 2012

Lamborghini Angels - Lupe Fiasco

Well, i'm following the last post (with a Lupe Fiasco feature) up with another one. This is the next single just released from his upcoming album out in September. This song is one you probably have to listen to more than once but wow. It's truly a masterpiece. With a title like this, it sounds like just another rap song with a rich guy bragging about an automated vehicle. Couldn't be further than the truth, but those who listen to Lupe   aren't even slightly surprised about that. Behind Same Love by Macklemore, this has to be the song of this summer for me.  If you can't get behind this kind of Music, I just don't know. Lupe Fiasco, you have my utmost admiration, you're going to be a voice for those who have a lot to say about this generation.

This is a MUST buy single.

 - Lupe Fiasco

Aug 14, 2012

Around My Way - Lupe Fiasco (Video)

Not exactly a new song, but with new visuals comes more appreciation. In typical Lupe style, he drops a video with a lot of class and a nice 'artsy' feel to it. Lupe in general also has a lot to say about our world, and has this awesome rebellious vibe that's hard not to feel. This song is no different, it's nice to hear someone call people out on their shit. Enjoy,

  Around My Way [Freedom Ain't Free] - Lupe Fiasco
 - Lupe Fiasco

            You don’t have to wait very long for another Lupe Fiasco single. He just announced on Twitter that his next single off his upcoming album, Food & Liquor II: The Great American Rap Album Pt. 1, will be dropping on Aug. 14. The song is called “Lamborghini Angels.” There’s no word on who produced it or what to expect lyrically, but Lupe did give a slight warning for the song. - Complex Music (http://www.complex.com/music/2012/08/lupe-fiasco-announces-lamborghini-angels-to-release-next-week)"

Twitter Extracts:

Edit: It's out!!!! post coming soon!

Ride - SoMo (+ Touch The Sky)

(Joseph) SoMo is an artist previously featured on here, who is undeniably talented. He's got a fairly unique style, and it's one that i've come to enjoy. (If you don't know his Drake Medley check it out riiiiight now because it's simply amazing  - Here ) Anyway, i've also included another song released by him this summer called 'Touch The Sky'. Both very good tracks. He's going to be big. No doubt. Also, apparently 'Touch The Sky' is the first track off his upcoming album "Love Music & Club Music".


 - Ride - SoMo
 - Touch The Sky - SoMo
 - SoMo
 - SoMo

Aug 11, 2012

channel ORANGE - Frank Ocean (Album)

Here we have the debut album of nothing short of a genius. Frank Ocean is a singer you just can't get your head around. He's completely different, unique and is all in all a mystery. Oh, and I almost forgot, he can sing too. My first impressions of this album have however been a bit mixed but I will put that down to me not fully understanding what is essentially a very highly critically acclaimed album. I have however been listening to everything Frank drops for a long time now and I'm sure that it will grow on me. His talent is undeniable, and this album is definitely not one to miss out on. Below i've put a sample, a track quite well known over the past year, a classic?


  - Frank Ocean